With this latest episode of
, I've now watched 199 that I had never seen before. It's been more of a personal challenge and exercise in expanding my tastes and being more thoughtful about how I watch films, and only recently have I even been actively telling people about it.Of all of those films, I can count a handful that I’m genuinely grateful I finally took the time to watch and actively absorb as the works of art they are.
There have been some duds too, but that’s to be expected, right?
In thirty-five episodes, I’ve jumped all over the place in terms of genres (drama, horror, romance, animation, documentaries), from the overlooked and obscure to some of the biggest blockbusters ever, and even been open to all sorts of venues, including theaters, streaming services and festivals.
Short of making my own films (which I am constantly in pursuit of, it seems), doing this podcast has been exactly the best use of my time that I hoped it would be. I’m trying to stay just outside the territory of “film critic” instead approaching Film Streak as my way of better understand the filmmakers’ intent and how successful they are in telling their stories.
Just trying to learn from others’ successes and failures. I’m just selfish like that.
I’m curious to see if moving the podcast to Substack in late 2022 might have any effect, but what I’ve seen of the community so far, I hope my regular-guy-who-just-loves-the-art approach is a good fit. Only time will tell, I suppose.
If you're into watching films, or just interested in something new to watch, give it a listen!